#45 Obstetric Emergencies
Nick Mark Nick Mark

#45 Obstetric Emergencies

On Critical Care Time we are no strangers to topics that make us uncomfortable. There may be no topic in the world of critical care more stress provoking than OB emergencies! Now… We didn’t say we are tackling this alone! Join us as we explore the wide world obstetrics in the ICU with Drs. Stephanie Levine and Adam Mora! Together we review the physiologic changes in pregnancy, unique considerations when it comes to general ICU management of the OB patient and then we delve into some OB cases where we tackle things like postpartum hemorrhage, cardiac arrest and more! Give us a listen and let us know what you think!

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#44 APPs in the ICU
Nick Mark Nick Mark

#44 APPs in the ICU

The critical care landscape is a dynamic one, filled with team members with all sorts of backgrounds who have various skill sets and experiences to bring to the table. In this episode of Critical Care Time we focus on the role NPs & PAs - sometimes referred to collectively as APPs - play in the ICU. To help us explore this we sat down with Gary Macy of Duke University a Critical Care NP in their Neuroscience ICU who has many years of experience working as an ICU NP.  During our discussion we explored numerous topics such as the concerns regarding education, "turf wars"  and what integrative models might best serve our patients. Give us a listen and let us know what you think!

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#43 ICU Mobility w/Kali Dayton, DNP
Nick Mark Nick Mark

#43 ICU Mobility w/Kali Dayton, DNP

The idea that movement is medicine doesn’t stop with the critically ill. On this week’s episode of Critical Care Time we sit down with Kali Dayton, a critical care NP with a passion for ICU mobility. We talk all things mobility in the critically ill: The roles of bedside nurses and clinicians, how we can implement best mobility practices with our patients, the financial and patient-care benefits of fostering a culture of movement in your ICU and what it means to be an “ICU Revolutionist” - along with so much more!  If you truly care for the critically ill you cannot miss this episode!

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#42 ECMO
Nick Mark Nick Mark

#42 ECMO

On this week’s episode of Critical Care Time, we sit down with two brilliant early-career ECMOlogists for an “intro-plus” to VV and VA ECMO. Not only do we cover the basics, but we couldn’t help ourselves and went on some deep dives along the way that you guys will hopefully find interesting! With the help of our good friends Nick Villalobos and Kha Dinh, we review indications for ECMO, approaches to configuration and management, touch on some of the complications and… even spend some time demystifying the European unit for girth! We hope you guys will have as much fun listening to this as we did producing it. If so, leave us a review and let us know what you think!

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#41 Cardiogenic Shock
Nick Mark Nick Mark

#41 Cardiogenic Shock

If you thought ARDS was a long episode... get ready for a marathon! This week on Critical Care Time, Cyrus and Nick take on the unenviable task of trying to cover everything you need to know about cardiogenic shock - at least in broad strokes - in ONE episode! That's right, this is your one-stop-shop for all things cardiogenic shock. While we will have some deep dives on RV and LV failure, as well as ECMO and other mechanical circulatory support options - this episode has a little bit of it all to wet your whistle and then some! We deconstruct the epidemiology of cardiogenic shock, do a deep dive on the SCAI classes of cardiogenic shock, talk pathophysiology (duh!) and then move on to treatment considerations - both medical and mechanical - followed finally by some cases to cement all the learning. We know this is a long one so feel free to listen/watch in chunks. However you decide to enjoy it, we are certain you will walk away from it ready to conquer the next CGS case you come across! Once you've finished this epic - leave us a review and let us know how we did!

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#40 CCT Goes to the Moon w/ Astronaut Dr. Shawna Pandya
Nick Mark Nick Mark

#40 CCT Goes to the Moon w/ Astronaut Dr. Shawna Pandya

On this end-of-year episode, Nick & Cyrus boldly go where no Critical Care Podcasters have gone before - into space! Join us, as we adventure into the great beyond with astronaut extraordinaire, Dr. Shawna Pandya - the first female Canadian commercial astronaut, who also happens to be a rural emergency medicine physician among SO many other things. We spend an hour with her discussing space physiology, medical applications of space tech, chatting about ICU corollaries, her experiences training for her upcoming mission, and exploring the challenges facing space exploration in 2025 and beyond. Hop aboard and and enjoy this exciting content and let us know what you think. This super accessible episode is loads of fun for ICU junkies and space-nerds alike so kick back, give it a listen, and as always, let us know what you think!

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#39 Beneath the Drape w/ Drs Alin Gragossian & Paul Wischmeyer
Nick Mark Nick Mark

#39 Beneath the Drape w/ Drs Alin Gragossian & Paul Wischmeyer

On this week's episode of Critical Care Time, Cyrus & Nick sit down with Dr. Alin Gragossian - intensivist, patient advocate, acclaimed blogger and heart transplant recipient and Dr. Paul Wischmeyer - a prior guest on CCT who is a world-renowned intensive care nutrition expert, tenured professor and no stranger to prolonged bouts with critical illness and life-threatening disease. These two incredible people share their stories and perspectives as physicians who have spent considerable time both behind the drape and beneath the drape: Being on the receiving end of countless procedures and life-saving interventions. They share with us their thoughts on where we are succeeding as a healthcare team, and where we can strive to improve at the bedside. Join us as we embark on this emotional and thoughtful journey with Alin & Paul. We hope you will listen to their stories and come away with a new appreciation for the patient experience and how privileged we are to care for the patients we care for.

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#38 Palliative Care in Critical Illness: Intentional & Compassionate Palliation with Dr. Anand Iyer, MD
Nick Mark Nick Mark

#38 Palliative Care in Critical Illness: Intentional & Compassionate Palliation with Dr. Anand Iyer, MD

On this week's episode of Critical Care Time, Cyrus & Nick are honored to be joined by palliative care expert, Dr. Anand Iyer. Together they explore the intricacies of palliation in the ICU, exploring the challenge and nuances of addressing this critical element of care amongst the sickest patients in the hospital. How do you begin these discussions? How do you ensure your patients and families feel heard? How do you help them realize palliation is part of the care process and not that you are giving up on a loved one? What terms should we avoid using? We cover all of this and more with Dr. Iyer so make sure to give this episode a listen and leave us some feedback! 

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#37 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Nick Mark Nick Mark

#37 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

On this week’s episode, Cyrus & Nick tackle one of their biggest challenges yet: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, more commonly known as ARDS.***WARNING*** this is no shorty! We cover all things ARDS from pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatments and things NOT to do. Dare we say, this is the definitive FOAM-ARDS experience for anyone and everyone who cares for people suffering from ARDS. Give it a listen and as always, send us your feedback!!

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#36 Inotropes
Nick Mark Nick Mark

#36 Inotropes

Get excited for a new episode jam packed-episode with Critical Care goodness! Nick & Cyrus deconstruct, demystify and unpack Inotropes. These medications are essential in the world of critical care when we have to manage cardiogenic shock. What are the different inotropes? How can you decide which one is right for your patient? And... what's the difference between an Inotropic and an Ionotropic agent? You'll learn all this and so much more on this week's episode of Critical Care Time: The Podcast for Everyone Who Cares for the Critically Ill!

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#35 Pulmonary Embolism: Part III
Pod Paste For Clients Pod Paste For Clients

#35 Pulmonary Embolism: Part III

Cyrus and Nick revisit one of their favorite topics: Pulmonary Embolism! In this episode - a follow up to our two-parter from season 1 - we sit down with Dr. Rick Channick of UCLA to talk about his approach to PE management with a focus on catheter directed therapies & PE response teams. This episode is packed full of expert insights and practical clinical pearls. Give it a listen and let us know what you think!

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#34 Anatomically Difficult Airway Part 2
Airway Nick Mark Airway Nick Mark

#34 Anatomically Difficult Airway Part 2

In this week's episode of Critical Care Time, Cyrus & Nick close out their discussion (for now anyway!) on difficult airways! Here we build upon episode 33 by working through some scenarios we've seen where we've needed to implement some of the strategies previously discussed. We close out by covering 10 pitfalls and pearls when it comes to anatomically difficult airways. As always, give us a listen and let us know what you think!

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#33 Anatomically Difficult Airway Part 1
Airway Nick Mark Airway Nick Mark

#33 Anatomically Difficult Airway Part 1

On this week’s episode of Critical Care Time, Nick & Cyrus return to talk about airway management in the ICU. In season 1 we focused on the physiologically difficult airway. Now we will begin to unravel the anatomically difficult airway. Today we will break things down by covering foundational concepts, discussing some of the physical and cognitive tools you can use to address an airway, and basically set the stage for part II where we will go through some case studies and leave you with our pitfall and pearls for anatomically difficult airways. This episode is packed with clinical pearls that will empower you to take on even the spiciest of airways!

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#32 Three Wishes with Dr. Thanh Neville
Humanities, Leadership, Palliative Care Nick Mark Humanities, Leadership, Palliative Care Nick Mark

#32 Three Wishes with Dr. Thanh Neville

On this week’s episode of Critical Care Time, Nick & Cyrus have the honor of hosting Dr. Thanh Neville, MD, MSHS (X @thanh_neville) the director of the 3 Wishes Program out of UCLA. In this moving discussion we explore the importance of dying with dignity when curative intent is no longer a realistic option. We dovetail this with an impassioned exploration Dr. Neville’s incredible work with 3WP which relies on modest funding and the power of humanism to grant priceless gifts - Wishes, if you will - to dying patients and their loved ones in their 11th hour. Please give us a listen and let us know what you think!

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#31 Tele-Critical Care Drs. Bill Beninati and David Guidry
Telecritical Care Nick Mark Telecritical Care Nick Mark

#31 Tele-Critical Care Drs. Bill Beninati and David Guidry

Tele-health is blowing up in 2024 and that is as true for critical care as it is for other fields of medicine! On this episode of Critical Care Time, Nick and Cyrus interview Drs. Bill Beninati and David Guidry: Two experts in the world of tele critical care. We cover all the in’s and out’s of delivering critical care service from afar with a focus on implementation, logistics, benefits and challenges. Give this a listen and let us know what you think!

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#30 Hypoxemia Masterclass
Pulmonary, Physiology Nick Mark Pulmonary, Physiology Nick Mark

#30 Hypoxemia Masterclass

Join Nick and Cyrus as they teach a master class on hypoxemia for everyone and anyone who is ICU adjacent! We discuss why oxygen is so crucial, share some very interesting animal physiology and - perhaps most importantly- discuss the 6 causes of hypoxemia you MUST know… and what you can do about them! Take a listen, let us know what you think, and leave us a review!

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#29 Pleural Disease Part 3: Hemothorax & Bronchoplueral Fistulas
Pulmonary Nick Mark Pulmonary Nick Mark

#29 Pleural Disease Part 3: Hemothorax & Bronchoplueral Fistulas

On this episode we continue our discussion of pleural disease with a focus on hemothorax & management of bronchopleural fistulas. Small tube or large tube? When do you call in the reinforcements? What about endobronchial valves for persistent air leaks? Learn the answers to these questions - and so much more with Dr. Mike Sobieszczyk our expert interventionalist!

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#28 Pleural Disease Part 2: Empyema & Hemothorax
Pulmonary Nick Mark Pulmonary Nick Mark

#28 Pleural Disease Part 2: Empyema & Hemothorax

On this episode of Critical Care Time, Nick & Cyrus revisit the pleural space! We had SO much great content we opted to split the episode into two parts. We also figured it would be nice to get an interventionalists take on this and we thus recruited Dr. Mike Sobieszczyk to help navigate this complex topic! Here we discuss things like hepatic hydrothorax, indwelling pleural catheters and all things parapneumonic effusion. Check it out and leave us a review! If you missed our first episode on pleural disease, head on back to episode 10 and get caught up. If you like what you heard here, make sure to come back in 2 weeks for the second part!

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#27 Season 1 Listener Mailbag
Nephrology, Hemodynamics Nick Mark Nephrology, Hemodynamics Nick Mark

#27 Season 1 Listener Mailbag

Join Cyrus and Nick as they review listener questions and feedback from season one of Critical Care Time! Where did we goof up? Where did we hit the "Mark"? Give this episode a listen as we investigate a potpourri of clinically relevant topics courtesy of YOU - our incredible audience whom we are so thankful for.

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#26 Breaking News: PREOXI Study Published
Airway, Journal Club, Resuscitation Nick Mark Airway, Journal Club, Resuscitation Nick Mark

#26 Breaking News: PREOXI Study Published

Extra Extra - Read All About It!! It is our pleasure to bring to you - hot off the presses - the results from the PREOXI Trial which looks at whether or not preoxygenation with non-invasive positive pressure ventilation results in better peri-intubation outcomes versus non-pressurized preoxygenation strategies. Joining us is the primary author on this paper, Dr. Kevin Gibbs, MD of Wake Forest University School of Medicine. Practice changing? Practice affirming? Does it even matter?! Check out our interview with Dr. Gibbs and see what you think! Leave us a comment and let us know if this is going to impact your practice in the ICU and beyond!

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