#26 BREAKING NEWS: PREOXI Study Published
Airway, Journal Club, Resuscitation Nick Mark Airway, Journal Club, Resuscitation Nick Mark

#26 BREAKING NEWS: PREOXI Study Published

Extra Extra - Read All About It!! It is our pleasure to bring to you - hot off the presses - the results from the PREOXI Trial which looks at whether or not preoxygenation with non-invasive positive pressure ventilation results in better peri-intubation outcomes versus non-pressurized preoxygenation strategies. Joining us is the primary author on this paper, Dr. Kevin Gibbs, MD of Wake Forest University School of Medicine. Practice changing? Practice affirming? Does it even matter?! Check out our interview with Dr. Gibbs and see what you think! Leave us a comment and let us know if this is going to impact your practice in the ICU and beyond!

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#9 Leading a Cardiac Arrest
Resuscitation, Leadership Nick Mark Resuscitation, Leadership Nick Mark

#9 Leading a Cardiac Arrest

Running a code is a stressful proposition. The code team leader is responsible for conducting an orchestra in a most austere environment, with the goal of guiding the team towards success - defined hopefully by a successful resuscitation. The code team leader needs to have the presence of mind to lead, but also needs to know how to delegate responsibilities and quickly cultivate a shared mental-model between the various team members. Join Nick and Cyrus as they try to demystify some of the elements of leading a code by providing practical pearls and shedding light on potential pitfalls during this episode on Cardiac Arrest and Running a Code

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