#7 Vasopressors Part 2: Beyond the Basics
On this episode of Critical Care Time, Cyrus and Nick go beyond the basics of vasopressor management. During this episode - jam-packed with high-yield pearls - we discuss important topics such as how to titrate vasopressors, what can be done when vasopressors seem to be failing a patient and how to wean patients from vasopressors in order to successfully get them out of the ICU and ultimately home. Sit back, relax, and enjoy this hour long master-class on Vasopressors - Beyond the Basics!
Quick Take Home Points
Many patients with critical illness require more than one vasopressor. The timing and sequence of adding vasopressors is important.
For most folks, vasopressin is the best 2nd line vasopressor.
Consider corticosteroids - hydrocortisone AND fludrocortisone - in patients with septic shock who require a second vasopressor.
Always consider reasons for persistent shock - these can include conditions such as adrenal insufficiency, undrained/untreated infection, stress cardiomyopathy, or the very-important-but-oft-misunderstood dynamic LVOT obstruction.
When starting a third-line pressor, use this opportunity to once again consider untreated causes for persistent shock. Also consider a trial of a vasodilator scavenger to treat vasoplegia.
For most patients, the third vasopressor should be epinephrine, although there is a place for other agents such as phenylephrine, angiotensin II, and maybe-but-probably-not dopamine.
Exit strategies are important: don’t forget to de-resuscitate a patient who has gotten significant volume resuscitation if indicated (persistent oxygen requirement with evidence of pulmonary edema, for example) and have a strategy for managing patients who are a “tough wean” from vasopressors (stop norepinephrine before vasopressin, think about confounding conditions, consider midodrine).
Show Notes:
Initial approach to a person who is failing their first-line vasopressor therapy?
Consider assessing, again, for volume responsiveness (250cc rapid fluid bolus vs passive-leg raise test, in conjunction with invasive cardiac output monitoring, non-invasive cardiac output monitoring and/or point of care ultrasound - aortic VTI assessment, carotid VTI assessment, etc.)
More on this in a future episode.
Low threshold to add a second line vasopressor: usually vasopressin
What’s so cool about vasopressin?
There is no maximum dose of norepinephrine; however, the law of diminishing returns likely plays a role - at some point you are saturating most catecholamine receptors, and thus it makes sense to approach a patient - especially in septic shock - through a different mechanism
There is evidence that, at increasing doses of norepinephrine, not only do returns diminish, but problems can arise such as:
Increased tissue oxygen demand
Decreased renal blood flow
Decreased mesenteric blood flow
Increased pulmonary vascular resistance which → worsening RV function
Increased tachyarrhythmias
There is some data to suggest patients in septic shock suffer from an acute deficiency of endogenous vasopressin
Collectively, these data portend a synergistic effect between catecholamine and non-catecholamine vasopressors
ICU patients in septic shock on at least 5mcg/min NE randomized to starting vasopressin vs increasing NE
Early vasopressin group trended towards a (i.e. had a non-significant) mortality benefit
In the subgroup with less severe shock (NE<14mcg/min), mortality was ~10% lower at 30 and 90 days when vasopressin was added early → NNT of 10
What’s the deal with steroids in septic shock?
Potential for acute adrenal insufficiency in septic shock, resulting in a relative glucocorticoid deficiency, which can cause problems…
This is not cut and dry!
Much more evidence for adrenal insufficiency in those who are critically ill for 5-7 days or longer vs those who have a rapidly up-trending pressor requirement
Check out this great discussion regarding the history of glucocorticoid deficiency in septic shock
Steroids do a few things..
Increase ligand-receptor interactions between catecholamines and catecholamine receptors, and increase transcription of those receptors receptors, making a patient more receptive to catecholamine therapy
In animal models, induced glucocorticoid receptor deficiencies have catastrophic outcomes in septic shock
What’s out there?
Steroids in septic shock - selected studies
Ananne Trial (2002):
Reduction in 28 day mortality
Used hydrocortisone + fludrocortisone
Criticized due to wide-spread use of etomidate (potential cause of adrenal insufficiency)
CORTICUS (2008):
No reduction in 28 day mortality; did find expedited shock-reversal
Used hydrocortisone (without fludrocortisone)
HYPRESS (2016):
Hydrocortisone did not have any significant impact on mortality or shock reversal, resulted in increased hyperglycemia, may have improved rates of delirium (unusual finding given conventional wisdom that steroids cause delirium)
Used hydrocortisone (without fludrocortisone)
Heterogeneous patient population, underpowered for relevant subgroup analysis
Reduction in all-cause mortality at 90 days
Used hydrocortisone + fludricortisone
ADRENAL (2018):
In people with septic shock who received a continuous infusion of hydrocortisone (no fludrocortisone) there was no mortality benefit, but there may be improvements in some secondary outcomes such as time to extubation or ICU LOS
Continuous infusions are not physiologic (nor is this how most/any hospitals actually administer hydrocortisone)
JAMA Meta-Analysis (2023) compared Hydro + Fludro vs Hydro Alone in Septic Shock:
Nearly 90,000 patients included
Composite Outcome: in-hospital death OR discharge to hospice
>8% absolute risk reduction (p<0.001) in those treated with hydrocortisone & fludrocortisone vs hydrocortisone alone
Evidence for a mortality benefit with steroids in other respiratory diseases
CAPE-COD Trial: Patients with severe CAP in the ICU who received hydrocortisone had improved mortality vs those that received placebo
RECOVERY: Patients with COVID pneumonia who were hospitalized with an oxygen requirement and received dexamethasone had improvement in 28 day mortality
So you’ve added vasopressin and steroids… but the patient still isn’t getting better.
Go to the beside and re-evaluate the patient
Use point-of-care ultrasound to interrogate the heart, the lungs, and any other areas that could be hiding an untreated source of infection or site of hemorrhage
Some basic things to look for: pericardial effusion / tamponade (not that subtle), pneumothorax with tension physiology (not that subtle), perinephric abscess, empyema/loculated pleural effusion.
More advanced concepts: assess for cardiogenic shock
LV function via global assessment, LVOT VTI
RV function via TAPSE, RVOT VTI
Dynamic LVOT obstruction
Undrained source of infection?
Abscesses aren’t well treated with antibiotics - especially those that are larger than 5cm
First: Look with U/S and see if you find anything, then consider a CT scan to further interrogate an U/S finding or to identify something that your U/S missed
Second: Think about broadening coverage if the clinical context suggests that would be helpful
Stress Cardiomyopathy?
Reversible myocardial depression, usually seen in the LV but may manifest as systolic and diastolic, right and left sided, cardiac dysfunction that contributes to a patient's shock state
May be seen in up to 40% of patients with septic shock, portends a worse outcome.
“Aka apical ballooning syndrome”
“...generally characterized by reversible systolic dysfunction of the apical and/or mid segments of the LV, with a presentation mimicking myocardial infarction”
Severe LV dysfunction, usually without biomarker elevation
ST-elevations can be seen and make this difficult to differentiate from STEMI - especially given presence of chest pain, even more so if biomarker elevation is present
Reversal often seen on echo within weeks of sepsis resolution
Increased SVR can unmask these processes
Consider using inotropes such as dobutamine until cardiac function improves
Dynamic LVOT Obstruction
Seen in a few scenarios…
A hypertrophic LV (perhaps due to long-standing hypertension) is generally associated with a narrowed LVOT and may set the stage
Classically seen in those with hypertrophic (obstructive) cardiomyopathy
Can also be seen in scenarios where the changes in loading conditions can lead to the development of a gradient between LV & LVOT
Examples: hypovolemia, hypotension, increased HR / inotropy
The narrowed LVOT results in an increased pressure gradient with respect to the LV relative to the aorta
Blood travels through the narrow LVOT at a pathologically high velocity, which can pull the papillary muscles into the LVOT with every ejection of blood, resulting in systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve (aka SAM) which leads to further narrowing of the LVOT and mitral regurgitation
These patients are often asymptomatic at baseline, may have subtle/mild symptoms with exertion, but can often have their disease unmasked during critical illness - especially when inotropes increase LV contractility, thereby increasing the gradient and ultimately causing a dynamic LV outflow obstruction to manifest
When to suspect: Patient who gets worse with increasing doses of pressors (or “vasopressor refractory shock”), + ?new systolic murmur, + ?new pulmonary edema due to mitral regurgitation
May also see a very narrow pulse-pressure due to reductions in stroke volume (SV proportional to PP)
Diagnosis: POCUS!
High-velocity, late-peaking continuous-wave doppler signal across the LVOT (dagger shaped tracing)
V usually > 300cm/sec
Correct hypovolemia if present
Increase afterload without increasing inotropy (consider phenylephrine, vasopressin, angiotensin II)
Stop inotropes if patient is on them
Consider beta blockade (B1 selective, e.g., esmolol)
Review medications - did this patient get started on something new?
Anaphylaxis can be cryptic in patients with a secure airway who are sedated
Consider a trial of therapy (anti-histamines, steroids if not on them, epinephrine) and assess for response if you cannot definitively rule out anaphylaxis
Acidosis contributes to decreased smooth muscle tone which contributes to stubborn vasodilation
Acidosis contributes to a negative inotropic effect on the heart resulting in varying degrees of pump failure
Acidosis impairs the ability of vasopressors to interact with their respective receptors
Increase minute ventilation on the ventilator
Consider bicarbonate boluses & infusion
Consider continuous renal-replacement therapy
“... a condition characterized by persistent low systemic vascular resistance despite a normal or high cardiac index, resulting in profound and uncontrolled vasodilation.”
A bit of a wastebasket term that describes persistent shock despite augmented cardiac function
This may be better understood when viewed as an imbalance between vasoconstrictive and vasodilatory factors, such as nitric oxide, adenosine, prostanoids and endothelins
Treatment includes all the aforementioned interventions, plus the use of nitric oxide scavengers
Once you’ve appropriately assessed the patient and considered the above causes for refractory shock, it’s appropriate to focus on “defending the MAP” once again, and to do this, we recommend two interventions in general
Add a third pressor: usually epinephrine
Epinephrine provides inotropy - more so than norepinephrine - as well as afterload augmentation
At increasing doses, it can be problematic by increasing the frequency of tachyarrhythmias
Epinephrine can also cause lactic acidosis (due to beta-2 agonism)
Dopamine has generally fallen out of favor due to numerous studies (SOAP-II) - due to trends towards increased mortality and a strong tendency to cause tachyarrhythmias
May have a role in bradycardic patients?
Phenylephrine may be helpful - especially in dynamic LVOT obstruction or in patients who are tachycardic (ex A-Fib with RVR)
Will not provide any cardiac support in the setting of stress cardiomyopathy
Angiotensin II
Limitation: Only major study involved AT2 vs Placebo (ATHOS-2). The endpoint of this study was based on increased blood pressure, and the control arm (placebo) is not standard of care for increasing blood pressure.
Beneficial in patients with high renin levels who are not producing endogenous angiotensin
Unfortunately, using a renin-assay to guide therapy is impractical
Often not available on hospital formularies
The drug is somewhat expensive - although cost has been mitigated recently as the company has provided test-doses to assess responsiveness
Sometimes this is a fine option, the issue is “...it’s hard to know a priori who will respond and who won’t.”
Vasodilator scavengers - can be helpful to treat underlying “vasoplegia” - specifically the element of increased vasodilators relative to vasoconstrictors
Methylene Blue
Nitric oxide scavenger
Increases MAP, increases SVR, decreases vasopressor requirement
At least one 2022 meta-analysis suggests decreased mortality when added to vasopressors in those with distributive shock
May even be a role for early use (first 24 hours) in septic shock
Results in green/blue urine
Nitric oxide scavenger & hydrogen sulfide scavenger
Less evidence versus methylene blue
Results in dark-red urine, which can trick dialysis machines into thinking blood is leaking into the dialysate and therefore may severely hamper efficiency
See this post at ICU OnePager for a more in depth discussion
De-resuscitation and weaning from vasopressors
Patients often receive fluids - perhaps overzealous amounts - as part of resuscitation
Patients in shock generally have a low MAP, and if they have been overly “tanked-up” they may have a normal-to-high CVP resulting in a low renal perfusion pressure, which may in turn limit their ability to maintain fluid balance through consistent UOP
Once the shock state has resolved, a patient may need diuresis (usually a loop diuretic) to mobilize extravascular fluid (especially resuscitation-associated pulmonary edema)
Weaning from vasopressors
Move the goalposts
Remember “The 65 Trial” and how, in some populations, it may be reasonable to target a lower MAP goal
If a patient is asymptomatic - and able to participate in PT for example - at a lower MAP, then that may be an acceptable number for that patient
What is worse is chaining a patient to the bed due to what is now asymptomatic hypotension without signs of shock, because of the number… thereby adding to their likelihood of sarcopenia & ICU-associated debility
Wean vasopressors in the correct order (norepinephrine first, vasopressin second)
Evidence suggests that weaning norepinephrine before vasopressin will get people from vasopressors faster than the reverse
Consider persistent causes for hypotension and treat them
Chronic adrenal insufficiency or hypothyroidism can be masked by critical illness
Consider these diagnoses in those who have a lingering pressor requirement, and initiate treatment for them if present
Consider adding midodrine
Oral midodrine may liberate patients more quickly from vasopressors & from the ICU
A single center, retrospective study in one ICU demonstrated a significant reduction in vasopressor requirement and ICU length of stay
MIDAS Trial: midodrine was NOT helpful in regards to liberating patients from the ICU and vasopressor requirements (this was a heterogeneous population where only a minority had septic shock)
There is an ongoing RCT (LIBERATE) investigating the role of midodrine in weaning from vasopressors
Based on available data and an overall favorable benefit-risk ratio, we use midodrine…
…either early in patients who are thought to be at risk for needing a prolonged vasopressor course (elderly patients with more comorbid conditions)
… or as a means to wean from vasopressors in a more “reactionary” manner, to facilitate PT and ICU discharge
Important: Make sure the midodrine is STOPPED prior to discharge or a plan is in place for midodrine management once discharge occurs
Do not make the mistake of sending home a patient on their antihypertensives and midodrine!!!
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ICU OnePager discussion of Vasodilator Scavengers in refractory shock.